Friday, July 12, 2013

Back to life...

Well, my cancerversary has passed and we are approaching one year since my first chemo treatment.  Not as significant a date to remember, even though I'll never forget it.  However, in the time between my cancerversary and my chemoversary, significant changes are taking place.  First, I got a job.  Funny how things happen.  I sent out one resume to test the waters, got a call for a phone interview, then in-person interview, then second interview, then an offer.  One resume.  My doc tells me I'm breaking all the rules.  Bucking the system.  Screw statistics!  Let's hope that trend lasts. 

So I start my job on July 22nd.  I'm extraordinarily nervous, as you can imagine.  I know my brain doesn't work as well as it used to, although it's getting there.  My body certainly isn't the same and I haven't worked a full day since last July.  But more than that, I'm nervous because my benefits will change.  I will lose my disability, lose my life insurance, lose my countdown to medicare (although I don't care much about that, but probably should).  My benefits will start 60 days after the first day of the month after I start (meaning 2 months after August 1, or October 1).  My next CT was scheduled for September 6.  Know what I did?  I rescheduled.  I had another scan yesterday and whaddayaknow???  No measurable disease!!  Woohoo!  So my next scan is now scheduled for October 4th.  Phew!  Yes, I will feel bad if that scan comes back showing disease, causing me to go back into treatment, but I don't plan on that happening.  Besides, I know how I do on treatment now, and if they'll work with me, I'll continue working while on treatment for as long as I can.  And no, my new company doesn't know I have cancer.  Nor will they unless absolutely necessary.

Finally, we're moving.  The moving van comes on Thursday to take everything over, although we get the place on Monday, so we'll start moving small boxes and breakables then.  I'm very excited to be moving, actually.  Katherine will be able to stay in Malvern School for after school care, and Sean and I will be closer to work.  I'll be 15 minutes away!  Well, at least until my company moves in December to its new building.  Then I'll be 20 minutes away.  :) 

This has been a very stressful month for me and I've held up fairly well, I think.  I'm still plant heavy in my diet, although I've had more meat this past week than I'd like to.  I've decided to go completely vegan in August and see how I do.  Gluten free and vegan is not easy, let me tell you!  But I'm committed.  With every good scan, I become more and more determined not to let this beast back into my life.  So with that...

I'm closing down this blog for now and starting a new one focusing on health and happiness.  You can keep up with my doings here if you'd like. I hope to see you all over there!

And thank you all, for everything.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa! I just stopped by and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) Thanks : )

