Saturday, January 25, 2014

New year, new challenges, new resolution

It's freaking coooooold. Where is summer??

Well, my first CT on this regimen didn't go as I'd hoped. While the tumor in my groin is down, a spot on my spine that was previously unclear has grown, and I have fluid in my lungs. At first Dr Dotan was confused about the fluid because there was no fluid of concern in October's scan. But radiology had not submitted their report yet so she was going by what she saw. She scheduled the drain of my lungs to test the fluid and told me to come back after to get the rest of the orders for the next chemo. Then when I saw her next, she had spoken to the radiologist who pointed out a small mark on my spine from October that seems to have grown, indicating it is cancer. Not a huge concern about the bone, but since it is closer to the lungs, she decided I should go back on docetaxol because we know it works. Which means back to wearing wigs! The lungs could very well be from the lymphedema. I've read it often from boards and articles. It's not a great development but obviously that's preferable to it being cancer. Doc was worried about the bone and lungs together enough to change the treatment plan. I'm upset about losing my hair and that I'll have increased side effects, like mouth sores. Ugh. But I'm going hard core cleaning up my diet now to give my immune system the best possible chance to work with the chemo and keep suppressing things. No more growth!!  That's why I went hog wild with the fast food. I had intended on that being my last meal before things got bad, but decided it would be my last meal before things got good!  I'm kicking this body's ass into gear!

So for the record, I'm now on 4 chemo drugs, a drug to strengthen my bones, and 5 preinfusion drugs. Good times. 

It's always hard when you're told the cancer has spread. But like Dr Dotan said, there have been patients who have lived 10 years with bone metastasis. In 5 years I truly believe the treatment of cancer will have changed drastically. There is so much hope in research now. I just need to do what I can to fight it off until something much better comes along. That has always been the goal. They just need to get that immunotherapy approved for gastric cancer!

Just a bump in the road folks. No sense in holding onto anger. It just brings you down when you need to be lifted up!


P.S. I'll know the results from the lung drain next week. I'll let you know. 

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