Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The hair

So it appears they lied when they told me my hair should thin, but not fall out.  During my shower on Monday, I was rinsing my hair and it was coming out in handfuls.  Then in brushfuls, after.  And ever since I can't run my hands through my hair, or even touch it, without winding up with a handful of hair.  So yesterday I went out and bought a wig at a great salon in Collegeville that offers them ever since the owner's wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  (She has since passed away, but her legacy of helping patients feel better about how they look lives on, and that's a great, great thing.)  Being that I'm not quite ready to wear the wig full time, but I couldn't continue tying what was left of my hair up, I went almost full Britney and got a pixie cut.  Well, sort of.  It was hard for him to cut since it was coming out in handfuls when he combed through, but he did a decent job and for a few more days I have the first super short haircut I've ever had since birth.  My dad will be happy -  he loves short hair.  I told him he has a few days to come see it or he'll miss it!  So here it is.  The only picture that exists of me with super short hair. 

For those wondering, I feel much better this week than last.  The nausea is being kept at bay with meds, although it is still underlying, but my taste has changed and it's hard for find anything to eat that doesn't taste metallic, or acidic, or something -ic.  Plus, being gluten free, my food choices are limited.  Fruit is the only thing that tastes sort of normal, although dulled, so I eat tons of it, which I guess is good for my body. 

Next week I will be preparing for my daughter's birthday party and subsequent birthday.  She's turning 4.  I don't know where the time has gone, but I think it has been condensed into her as one little ball of attitude.  Although, if I have to admit it, I love that she has such spunk.  She's a handful, and it gives me a glimmer of what she'll be as an adult and I love what I see.

Thank you, all of you, for the overwhelming support you've shown during this most difficult time.  Your response to my first post was overwhelming, and I definitely am lifted up by your kind words and prayers.  I don't know that I'll be posting again until after my next treatment, so enjoy the remainder of your summer all!


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